Friday, October 15, 2010

Citizens of the US, Do You See the Problem Here?

Here's some headlines I spotted and along with it is a brief snippet from each article. See if you can find the problem here.

Democratic fundraising surges in final campaign stretch; USAToday

Despite the tough political climate for Democrats, their party committees are raising significant amounts of campaign cash.
The campaign committee for Senate Democrats took in $15.5 million in September, party officials just announced. That exceeds what the committee raised during September 2006, the last midterm election.
The committee also had $25.6 million in cash reserves for the final stretch to Election Day.
The Senate Republican committee has not yet released its September fundraising totals.

Feingold trails in polls but out-raises challenger; The Washington Post

The Feingold campaign said Friday it has $3.5 million in the bank. Johnson's campaign says it has $2 million cash on hand.

Feingold is trailing slightly in the polls but drawing more contributions than his opponent.

Feingold reported raising $4.2 million from July 1 through Sept. 30. Johnson's campaign says he raised $3.3 million in the same period. That doesn't include $5.3 million Johnson gave his campaign from his own pocket.

Feingold may have more money, but Johnson has been spending more. A recent report says Johnson spent almost $4 million on TV ads in September and early October while Feingold spent about $3 million.

Dem has campaign cash edge in Pa. Senate race; The Washington Post

Despite being outraised, Pennsylvania's Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate headed into the final month of the campaign with slightly more cash than his Republican counterpart.

The campaigns issued the information Friday, the deadline to file with the government. Republican Pat Toomey spent $6 million in the July-to-September period. His campaign raised $3.7 million and had $2.2 million left.

Democrat Joe Sestak spent $2.7 million in the period. His campaign raised about $3.3 million and had almost $2.7 million left.
Comment: One answer, the 17th Amendment failed once again to take big money out of the Senate. (If you have another answer please post it in the comments; let's build upon this discussion.) Guess what, it has ever since 1913!

Want to remove the big money and the influence that goes along with it; then let's repeal the 17th Amendment.

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