Tuesday, October 05, 2010

As Feingold Runs Afoul of NFL, AP Claims He Is ‘Slightly Trailing’ In Wis. US Senate Race

As Feingold Runs Afoul of NFL, AP Claims He Is ‘Slightly Trailing’ In Wis. US Senate Race; BizzyBlog

The National Football League is whistling incumbent Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold’s campaign team for illegal use of film.

The campaign has been playing a commercial which includes footage of former Minnesota wide receiver Randy Moss’s pretend-mooning of Green Bay Packer fans during a 2004 playoff game, and is apparently doing so without the express written consent of the league.

During the course of his coverage of the situation, the Associated Press’s Dinesh Ramde demonstrates that he doesn’t really know the score of the game that is progress, namely the electoral contest for Feingold’s U.S. Senate seat. In that game, the scoreboard at Real Clear Politics has Feingold’s Republican opponent currently ahead by an average of nine points over four polls. The latest, from Rasmussen, has Johnson ahead by 12.

To Ramde, these polls indicate that Feingold is “slightly trailing” Johnson. ...

Read the rest of BizzyBlog post here

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