Friday, March 12, 2010

Democrats move toward grouping health reform with student-aid bill

Democrats move toward grouping health reform with student-aid bill; Washington Post

Democratic leaders said Thursday that they were increasingly inclined to release a final health-care bill that could accomplish two of President Obama's top domestic priorities: guaranteeing coverage to 30 million uninsured Americans and vastly expanding federal aid for college students.

Comment: Once upon a time US Citizens could afford to work a job, go to college, and not end up with a huge debt that would take 10 to 20 years to pay off. When the Federal Government got involved with student loans, colleges raised their salaries and overhead grew and so did tuition. And then only the smallest segment of our society could afford college without going into debt. Today almost every young adult starts adult life as a debtor because the college tuition cost.

Soon only the smallest segment of our society will be able to afford health care, while the rest of will go into massive debt to pay for the health care scheme the are setting before us.

Between health care and education debt, and undisciplined spending (credit card debt), America will be slaves to the bankers from birth until death.

1 comment:

student loan calculator said...

Since you already have your RN license, look into working for the VA. They have an education debt reduction program, and will pay for job-related educational expenses (like many employers) if you promise to work for a certain amt of time.