Monday, March 16, 2009

Byron York Explains Why Obama and His Party Don’t Like Our Founders

Byron York Explains Why Obama and His Party Don’t Like Our Founders; BizzyBlog

...There is a problem in all of this, in that the Senate is also beholden to special-interest groups to such an extent that their ability to act as a backstop against the passions of the moment has been at least partially, and I believe mostly, neutered.

I know that fellow SO[B]er Repeal the 17th would agree with me that York’s write-up explains why the 17th amendment, the direct election of US senators, was such a big mistake. In fact, I see he posted on Wednesday morning about this ahead of me.

Sorry to seem undemocratic folks, but the Founders set it up so that Senators would be selected by the legislators exactly to be the kind of backstop York hopes for, and to give states their correct level of influence in national affairs. The 17th makes York’s hope remote at best.

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