Friday, February 20, 2009

Nationalization of Banks and More Stimulus from US Senate

Nationalization of Banks and More Stimulus from US Senate; Stephen Hopkins; Aude Sapere; Feb 19, 2009.

The weblog Repeal the 17th Amendment has two posts today we really need to read. The first is a post concerning a recent comment made by Senator Lindsey Graham positing the idea of nationalizing US banks. The second is a comment made by Senator Daniel K. Inouye laying the foundation for a second stimulus package this summer.

This is a recipe for disaster and tyranny. I consider it amazing that we are even going forward with the stimulus in the first place, but now a Senator in our government, a republican mind you, is even openly considering nationalizing our banks. What has become of this country?

On another note, please look into the effort to repeal the 17th Amendment. Like the author of the above weblog, I too support the repeal of the 17th Amendment. When the 17th was ratified, the entire balance of power within our government was inexplicably damaged. Only when we return to the structure first created by the founders will we get this country on track.

Comment: I'm happy to get a mention every now and then, thanks.

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