Monday, June 21, 2010

Does Fimian want to repeal 17th amendment on popular election of senators?

Does Fimian want to repeal 17th amendment on popular election of senators? Virginia Politics Blog; The Washington Post

Of all the issues dominating the 2010 election season, the debate over ending the direct election of senators seems relatively low on the priority list.

Rep. Gerald Connolly's (D-Va.) reelection campaign is trying to change that, highlighting what it claims is Oakton businessman Keith Fimian's (R) desire to repeal the 17th amendment to the Constitution, which ended the practice of senators being chosen by state legislatures. ...

Read the rest here.

Comment: This is where the repeal will begin, at the state and local level, not and never at the national. We have to get the information out those in our communities and teach them about the issue. Then we'll have a new group of politicians who will be responsive for state issues, not distracted by the hype and glitter of Washington, and not to forget the recklessness, the recklessness that an untold number of future generations are already saddled.

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