Tuesday, January 18, 2011

eHow Website Attacks 17th Repeal

I find this a little bizarre but the folks at eHow are using the "how to site" to propagandize against the repeal of the 17th Amendment. But I'll chalk it up to the adage, "when you are over the target is where you draw the most fire," so we must be causing some segments within our nation to be concerned.

Subtle political propaganda from eHow.


Brian said...

It should also be noted that there isn't an eHow page on "how to" repeal the 17th Amendment or "how to" restore limited government, much less how to repeal of the 16th Amendment or restore the 10th Amendment. So what side of the street do you think the eHow folks are on?

danq said...

"Difficulty: Easy" and it's a real shame it is.

I think those things are user submitted. Let's all flood eHow by submitting our own political propaganda.