Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Democratic Senator Reid adds Dream Act to Military Spending Bill

Democratic Senator adds Dream Act to bill about military spending; ABC15.Com

It is a move many of us didn't see coming.

Immigration thrust onto the national stage by a Nevada Democrat facing a tough election battle against a Tea Party candidate.

Now one side is cheering while the other is fuming and the end result will have an impact in Arizona.

The controversial and passionate immigration debate will now be heard along with discussions over military spending.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid added The Dream Act as an amendment to the defense authorization bill.  ...

It seems a bit sneaky to Arizona’s Republican Party.

Spokesman Matt Roberts wrote us a statement that said, “Harry Reid’s attempt to circumvent the political process and implement a type of "backdoor amnesty" is outrageous. Rewarding those who have broken the law is wrong. And this proposal is wrong for Arizona. For nearly a decade, the so-called Dream Act has been opposed by the American people. The latest attempt to provide amnesty by Senator Reid only furthers the divide between Democrats very voters they represent and makes their reelection all the more difficult."

Read the complete article here.

Comment: As I have said here before, measures like the Dream Act being advanced by Durban (D-IL) and Hatch (R-UT) only make the illegal immigration matters worst. We wouldn't have issues like this if our Congress had acted on the problem 30 years ago. Amnesty was tried during the Reagan Administration and has been an utter failure and likewise the American public is becoming increasingly tired of the whole issue.

Rather than continue to draw the public into what is surely to become a more hostile and confrontational public policy problem, Congress would do well to: one, demand the rule of law; ensure the laws are funded and executed by the Obama Administration; two, develop a guest workers program similar to that of Canada and Australia that would allow people from Central and South American countries to come here legally to come here to work and then return, or possibly give them a real chance at citizenship if desired; three, repeal the 14th Amendment; four, decriminalize marijuana.

But unfortunately while the Congress and more importantly the US Senate is inextricably conjoined to special interest groups instead of the American people don't expect a solution in our lifetime and reckon the situation only to get worst.

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