The first step will likely be a tax incentive to employers who hire new workers. Other details and the price tag remain vague.
Reporting from Washington - Eager to show Americans that they are focused on reversing widespread unemployment, Senate Democrats on Thursday unveiled a package of legislation dedicated to spurring job growth.
"Our No. 1 emphasis is going to be on creating jobs," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
But the political question hovering over the newfound push is whether it comes too late to quell growing voter dissatisfaction with how Democrats are handling the economy.
Ironically, the announcement of a job-creation package came on the same day that Scott Brown, the winner of a special election last month in Massachusetts, is set to be sworn in as a new Republican senator. Brown is to be sworn in at 5 p.m. EST.
That election was widely viewed by Democrats and Republicans as a referendum on the Obama administration and the Democrats' stewardship of Congress. Today, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said his party was paying attention.
"We heard the message of Massachusetts," Schumer said. "They said, 'Focus immediately and don't take your focus off jobs.'"
In the short term, the victim of the Democratic pivot is likely to be the controversial healthcare overhaul, which has been shelved indefinitely as House and Senate leaders attempt to figure out a way forward. ...
Comments: A good title for the picture above would be "morons-r-us." Do Reid and Schumer really think that a federal "bond program to help state and local governments borrow money and another extension of unemployment insurance and COBRA benefits" are going to create jobs? Or how about repairing road and bridges? While this is something they should have been funding all along and never have allowed to break down in the first place, but will transportation spending put all those hundreds of thousands of GM workers who lost their jobs to China back to work? Heck no, I'd be willing to bet that with any highway infrastructure spending the small sum of jobs gained will actually aid illegal aliens more than any US citizen.
Americans know the truth about the current economic situation; only through a massive reduction of government spending and a complete overhaul of the tax system that eliminates the cost temporarily absorbed by business, and pasted on to the consumer, and the removal of the massive regulation and bureaucracy US businesses are saddle with will this country turn around from this depression. We get this! And Congress needs to understand that we comprehend that this is a DEPRESSION.
Spending and government programs, and war, didn't get us out of the Great Depression; it only kept us in it. It was through the elimination of these programs and the repealing the legislation that restricted commerce after WWII did this country see a return to growth.
So I guess to make it easier for the 100 members of moron-r-us club to understand, a simple statement would be, limiting the Federal Government is the only route to lead us out of this depression.
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