Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Sovereignty Project

Forcing current and campaigning public officials to take a principled and public stand (yea or nay) on the 10th Amendment and the Enumerated Powers Act will flush officials out into the open about their dedication to the very document they swore to uphold. The Project believes politicians will be sweaty around the collar about the notion of thumbing their noses at to the Constitution, on either front.

As one might expect, the Missouri Sovereignty Project will compile lists, which will become part of the public domain through blogs, prints and broadcast media inside the state.

The Missouri Sovereignty Project is only a month old and already has a growing number of dedicated members. Unlike many movements across the country, the Project is not a social group. It has an explicit charter, has already sent out two press releases, and has a membership group that is organized, by each member’s choice, on three levels:

1) those who spread the word,

2) those who monitor, call and write public officials,

3) those who organize and manage.

Every state needs to have people willing to spread the word, confront politicians, and maintain lines of communication within the movement. We should be discussing the Constitution and the philosophy of freedom with our neighbors. We should be holding our politicians accountable, in the same way we would confront an employee who failed in his job. And we should be actively networking with other groups who have a similar ideology.

The 17th Amendment, of course, limited the ability of people to protect their freedom through their state governments. The only way to overcome that now is for the people to speak more loudly and demand their freedom.

And repeal the 17th Amendment to restore the balance of power in the federal government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Texas, gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina is spearheading an effort to force Republican candidates to affirm their support for the 10th Amendment as a requirement for running for public office.