Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ENPR Prediction: Obama Narrow Win, Dems 58 Senate Seats, 254 House Seats

ENPR Prediction: Obama Narrow Win, Dems 58 Senate Seats, 254 House Seat; Timothy P. Carney; Human Events; 29 oct 2008.

Sen. Barack Obama is poised to be the nation's first black president, winning by a narrow margin, and enjoying very large Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress--but short of 60 seats in the Senate.

House Republicans face another slaughter. Democrats will make double-digit net gains, possibly pushing 30 seats. Many GOP incumbents are in danger, and Democrats are dominating in the open seats.

In the Senate, Democrats start with a gain of 4 seats, with another 7 GOP-held seats in play. We predict 58 or 59 Senate Democrats in the next Congress, but 60 is within reach.

Comment: It looks like there will be two branches of government under one hat.

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