Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Senator Nelson, Narcissist At Large

White House says Senate visits to Syria could hinder Mideast progress; The Associated Press; Thursday, December 14, 2006.

The AP reports that “The White House said Thursday that Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson's trip to Syria gave undue legitimacy to a government that is thwarting democratic reform in the Middle East. Nelson emerged from a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus on Wednesday, saying Assad was willing to help control the Iraq-Syrian border. The Florida Democrat said he viewed Assad's remarks as "a crack in the door for discussions to continue. I approach this with realism, not optimism."

"White House press secretary Tony Snow said the trip by Nelson, a member of the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, and future visits to Syria expected by Sens. John Kerry and Christopher Dodd, bothDemocrats, and Arlen Specter, a Republican, send an unhelpful, mixed message to the Syrians. "We want to make sure that they understand that just because they have visitors does not mean that the position of the United States government has changed," Snow said. The United States has limited diplomatic ties with Syria because of its support of Hezbollah and Hamas, which the United States considers terrorist organizations.”

Comment: Senator Nelson's trip undermines the United States at a critical time. Our nation is at war and while we can debate the objectives, staying united is paramount. All this does is aid the enemy with propaganda.

What are the issues between Syria and the State of Florida, the state Nelson represents? The obvious answer is none. Senator Nelson represents Florida, not the United States of America. This is why we elect a president and hold senate confirmation hearings on the selection of a Secretary of State. It is clear from the Constitution that the role of foreign policy is to be conducted by the Executive Branch, not the Legislative.

If the 17th Amendment was removed and the State's rightful authority was re-established we would not have to witness these publicity narcissists, like Nelson, Specter, Dodd, Kerry, and Kennedy, planting their selves into our national foreign policy strategy.

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